Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
It is a secure digital key that is issued by the certifying authorities for the purpose of validating and certifying the identity of the person holding this certificate.
Class 2A / 2B
It is issued only to authorized Individuals of the an Organisation is used for signing Forms with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Class 3A / 3B
which is mainly used for e procurement and e tendering. Digital Signature Certificate Class 3 are issued to Individuals or Organizations.
Directorate General of Foreign Trade Digital Signature Certificate is a necessity if you are involved in the Import and Export (EXIM) business.
Digital Signature Certificates stored in e-Token can not be copied to any other device thus providing another layer to your identity security.
We Provide Quick and Hassle-Free Services.
Our Services
ROC Registration
Registrars of Companies (ROC) appointed under Section 609 of the Companies,It is mandatory for companies register under companies ACT to file Annual Report & AGM Minutes every year.
GST Registration
Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax (or consumption tax) used in India on the supply of goods and services.
Udyam Registration
Udyam Registration also known as MSME Registration is nothing but a government registration that is provided along with a recognition certificate and a unique number.
Customs Clearance
Pvv Associates helps to simplify your importing and exporting process. We provide visibility and efficiency along with a smoother compliance process.
E-Tender Filling
Any procurement in government departments / public sector units for amount over and above two lacs will be carried out using E Tender process.
Import & Export Services
IE Code stands for Import Export Code. It is required for any person importing or exporting goods and services to or from India.